No more smoking in Seattle parks, and it’s becoming a trend

By February 18, 2010February 25th, 2010No Comments

Don’t go smoking in Seattle parks.

rita_hibbardwebAs of April 1, it”s against the rules. Just like littering, or drug use, or God forbid, sexual misconduct. It’s all in the new code of conduct for the city’s 400 parks.

As writes, this expands one of the nation’s strictest anti-smoking bans, passed by the state in 2005, that banned smoking in most public places. Seven Oregon cities, including the Portland suburb of Hillsboro also have recently banned smoking in public parks. Tacoma has signs in some parks asking people not to smoke, and some parks officials are pushing for a ban.

Apparently, the Seattle parks board contemplated banning spitting too, but hey, that went just a little too far…

— Rita Hibbard

Rita Hibbard

Rita Hibbard


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